NDA Pune Group C Vacancy 2024:- NDA Pune has released Group C Civilian 198 Vacancy to the Post of Lower Division Clerk, Draughtsman, Compositor, CinemaProjectionist-II, Cook, Fireman, TA, MTS.The forms will be filled online. Male & Female both can apply.You can apply from All Over India. The last date to apply form is 16/02/2024, Selection will be on the basis of written exam and Skill/Trade Test.complete details of the Vacancy, syllabus, Exam Date and Admit Card are given below.you can also download notification

NDA Pune Group C Vacancy 2024 | |
Department | National Defence Academy (NDA), Khadakwasla, Pune |
Post Name | Lower Division Clerk, Draughtsman, Compositor, Cinema Projectionist-II, Drive, Carpenter, Fireman, Stenographer, Cook, TA, MTS |
Total Vacancy | 198 |
Form Apply Date | 27/01/2024 |
Form Last Date | 16/02/2024 |
Physical Date | Update Soon |
Written Exam Date | Update Soon |
Salary | Level-3PayScale,21,700+Allowances |
Important Dates | |
Form Apply Date:- | 27/01/2024 |
Form Last Date:- | 16/02/2024 |
NDA Pune Group C Vacancy 2024 Details | |
Post Name | No. Of Post |
Lower Division Clerk, | 16 |
Stenographer, | 01 |
Draughtsman, | 02 |
Compositor cum Printer, | 01 |
Cinema Projectionist-II, | 01 |
Cook, | 14 |
Fireman, | 02 |
Carpenter | 02 |
Blacksmith, | 01 |
TA – Baker & Confectioner, | 01 |
TA – Cycle Repairer, | 02 |
MTS Officer – Training | 151 |
TA-Boot Repairer | 01 |
TA Printing Machine Opr | 01 |
Ser No. |
Post |
Age |
Educational Qualification/ Technical Qualification |
(a) |
Lower Division Clerk |
18-27 Yrs |
(a) 12th Class pass from a recognized Board or University; and
(b) Skill Test : A typing Speed of 35 wpm in English or 30 wpm in Hindi on computer (Time allowed 10 Minutes) (35 wpm and 30 wpm correspond to 10500 key depressions per hour/ 9000 key depressions per hour on average of 5 key depression for each word). |
(b) |
Stenographer Gde-II |
18-27 Yrs |
(a) 12th Class or equivalent from a recognized Board or University (b) Skill Test : (i) Dictation : 10 minutes @ 80 words per minute. (ii) Transcription : 50 minutes (English) or 65 minutes (Hindi) on computer. |
(c) |
Draughtsman |
18-27 Yrs |
(a) 12th Class or equivalent from a recognized Board or University and (b) Diploma in Draughtsman-ship of a minimum duration of two years from a recognized Institute. OR (a) Industrial Training Institute Pass Certificate as Draughtsman from a recognized Institute. (b) Two years experience from a recognized Organization or Undertaking in the trade |
(d) |
Cinema Projectionist Gde-II |
18-25 Yrs |
(a) 12th Class or equivalent from a recognized Board or University and (b) Two years experience from a recognized Organization or Undertaking in the trade. |
(e) |
Cook |
18-25 Yrs |
(a) 12th Class or equivalent from a recognized Board or University; and (b) Two years experience from a recognized Organization or Undertaking in the trade. OR (a) Industrial Training Institute (ITI) pass Certificate as Cook from a recognized Institute. (b) Two years experience from a recognized Organization or Undertaking in the Trade. |
(f) |
Compositor-Cum- Printer |
18-25 Yrs |
(a) 12th Class or equivalent from a recognized Board or University and (b) Two years experience from a recognized Organization or Undertaking in the trade |
(g) |
Civilian Motor Driver (OG) |
18-27 Yrs |
(a) 12th Class or equivalent from a recognized Board or University. (b) Must possess the civilian driving license for heavy vehicles. (c) Two years experience from a recognized Organization or Undertaking in driving heavy vehicles. |
(h) |
Carpenter |
18-25 Yrs |
(a) 12th Class or equivalent from a recognized Board or University and (b) Two years experience from a recognized Organization or Undertaking in the trade. OR (a) Industrial Training Institute Pass Certificate as Carpenter from a recognized Institute. (b) Two years experience from a recognized Organization or Undertaking in the trade |
(j) |
Fireman |
18-27 Yrs |
Essential:- (a) Matriculation or equivalent examination from a recognized Board. (b) Must possess the civilian driving license for heavy vehicle. (c) Certificate of minimum six months duration in use and maintenance of first aid, fire fighting appliances and Tailor fire pumps from recognize Organization or Undertaking. (d) Must be physically fit and capable of performing strenuous duties and must have passed the test specified in note below. Desirable:- One year experience in the Trade. Note:- (Test as to physical fitness etc) 1. Height without shoes–165Cms. Provided that concession of 2.5 Cms in height shall be allowed for members of the Scheduled Tribes. 2. Chest: Un-expended – 81.5 Cms 3. Chest: On-expansion – 85 Cms 4. Weight : 50 Kg (minimum) |
5. Endurance Test :- (i) Carrying a man (Fireman lift 63.5 Kg to a distance of 183 Meters within 96 seconds. (ii) Clearing 2.7 Meters wide ditch landing on both feet (long jump). (iii) Climbing 3 meters vertical rope using hands & feet. |
(k) |
Technical Attendant – Baker &Confectioner |
18-25 Yrs |
Industrial Training Institute Pass Certificate in Baker and Confectioner from a recognized Institute. OR (a) Matriculation pass or equivalent examination from a recognized Board / Institute. (b) At least one year experience of working as Baker and Confectioner from a recognized Organization. |
(l) |
Technical Attendant – Cycle Repairer |
18-25 Yrs |
Industrial Training Institute Pass Certificate in ‘Cycle Repairer’ from a recognized Institute. OR (a) Matriculation or equivalent examination from a recognized Board/ Institute. (b) At least one year experience of working as Cycle Repairer from a recognized Organization. |
(m) |
TA-Printing Machine Operator |
18-25 Yrs |
Industrial Training Institute Pass Certificate in Printing Machine Operator from a recognized Institute. OR (a) Matriculation Pass or equivalent examination from a recognized Board / Institute. (b) At least one year experience of working as Printing Machine Operator from a recognized Organization. |
(n) |
TA-Boot Repairer |
18-25 Yrs |
Industrial Training Institute Pass Certificate in Boot Repairer from a recognized Institute. OR (a) Matriculation Pass or equivalent examination from a recognized Board / Institute. (b) At least one year experience of working as Boot Repairer from a recognized Organization. |
(o) |
Multi Tasking Staff – Office & Training (MTS-O&T) |
18-25 Yrs |
Matriculation pass or equivalent from a recognized Board/ Institute. |
Examination Fees | |
UR/OBC/EWS | Free |
SC/ST | Free |
Age Count as on(16/02/2024) | |
UR | 18-25 |
OBC | 18-28 |
SC/ST | 18-30 |
Centre Of Examination |
Pune(MH). |

NDA Pune Group C Selection Process |
1. Written Exam |
2. Skill/Trade/Physical/Practical Test |
3. Medical |
4. Final Selection |
Written Exam Syllabus | ||||
S.No | Subject | Questions | Marks | Time |
1. | General Intelligence and Reasoning | 25 | 25 | 2Hours |
2. | Math | 25 | 25 | |
3. | General English | 25 | 25 | |
4. | General awareness | 25 | 25 | |
Total:- | 100 | 100 |
1. Up to 10 time or more candidate called for written exam
2. Objective type multiple choice Questions.
3. OMR Based Exam.
4. 10th & 12th Level Exam
5. Use Black ball point Pen only
6. No Negative marking for wrong answers
7. Qualifying marks 35% for UR/EWS and 33% for SC/ST/OBC
8. The questions will be set both in Hindi and English. Candidates will have the option to answer either in Hindi or English.But English Subject Question’s Will Be In Only English
General Awareness/General Knowledge |
1.Current Affairs(सामयिकी), 2.Mordern History(from 1859 on ward’s)of India(भारत का आधुनिक इतिहास), 3.Indian Polity(भारतीय राजव्यवस्था), 4.Indian Economy(भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था), 5.Indian Geography(भारतीय भूगोल), 6.General Science(सामान्य विज्ञान), 7.General Knowledge(सामान्य ज्ञान), 8.National Dance(राष्ट्रीय नृत्य), 9.Music & Literature(संगीत और साहित्य), 10.Indian Culture(भारतीय संस्कृति), 11.Scientific observations(वैज्ञानिक अवलोकन), 12.World organizations(विश्व संगठन), 13.Countries and Capitals(देश और राजधानियाँ), 14.Famous Places in India(भारत में प्रसिद्ध स्थान), 15.Books and Authors(पुस्तकें और लेखक), 16.Important Dates(महत्वपूर्ण तिथियाँ), 17.About India and its neighboring countries(भारत और उसके पड़ोसी देशों के बारे मे), 18.Science and innovations(विज्ञान और नवाचार), 19.New inventions(नए आविष्कार), 20.Economic problems in India(भारत में आर्थिक समस्याएं) |
Elementary Mathematics/Numerical Aptitude |
1.Numbers(संख्याये), 2.Problems On Numbers(संख्याओं पर आधारित प्रश्न), 3.HCF and LCM(महत्तम समापवर्तक लघुतम समापवर्तक), 4.Decimal Fractions(दसमलव भिन्ने), 5.Simplification(सरलीकरण), 6.Square Root & Cobe Root(वर्गमूल तथा घनमूल), 7.Average(औसत), 8.Problems On Ages(आयु सम्बन्धी प्रश्न), 9.Surds and Indices, 10.Percentage(प्रतिशतता), 11.Profit and Loss(लाभ तथा हानि), 12.Ratio proportion(अनुपात तथा समानुपात), 13.Time&Work(समय तथा कार्य), 14.Time&Distance(समय तथा दूरी), 15.Problems On Trains(रेल सम्बन्धी प्रश्न), 16.Boats & Streams(धारा एव नाव सम्बन्धी प्रश्न), 17.Simple Interest(साधारण ब्याज), 18.Compound Interest(चक्रवर्द्धि ब्याज), 19.Mansuration(क्षेत्रमिति) |
General Intelligence & Reasoning |
It will include the question of both verbal and non-verbal type, 1.Analogies(सादृश्यता), 2.Series(श्रृंखला), 3.Similarities and and differences(समानताएं और भेद), 3.Problem solving(समस्या को सुलझाना), 4.Relationship(संबंध अवधारणाओं), 5.Relationship concepts and Ability to observe and distinguish patterns(पैटर्न आदि को देखने और भेद करने की क्षमता।), 6.Classification(वर्गीकरण)·, 7.Blood Relations(रक्त संबंध·), 8.Arrangements(व्यवस्था), 9.Arithmetical Reasoning(अंकगणितीय तर्क), 10.Mathematical Operations(गणितीय संचालन), 11.Venn diagrams(वेन डायग्राम), 12.Number Series(संख्या श्रृंखला), 13.Figural Pattern(चित्रात्मक पैटर्न), 14.Cubes and Dice(क्यूब्स और पासा), 15.Non-Verbal Series(गैर-मौखिक श्रृंखला), 16.Coding-Decoding(कोडिंग-डिकोडिंग), 17.Directions(दिशा निर्देश), 18.Number, Ranking & Time Sequence(संख्या, रैंकिंग और समय क्रम), 19.Mirror Images(मिरर इमेज), 20.Grouping Identical Figures(समान आंकड़े समूहित करना), 21.Figure Matrix Questions(चित्रा मैट्रिक्स प्रश्न), 22.Problem on Age Calculation(आयु गणना में समस्या), 23.Decision Making(निर्णय लेना), 24.Inference(अनुमान), 25.Test of Direction Sense(दिशा ज्ञान का परीक्षण), 26.Alphabet Series(वर्णमाला श्रृंखला) 27.Arguments(तर्क) |
English |
1.Ability to understand correct English(अंग्रेजी समझने की क्षमता), 2.Basic comprehension and writing ability(बुनियादी समझ और लेखन क्षमता), 3.Error recognition(त्रुटि पहचान), 4.Fill in the blanks (using verbs, preposition, articles etc)( रिक्त स्थान भरें 5.Vocabulary(शब्दावली), 6.Spellings वर्तनी, 7.Grammar(व्याकरण), 8.Sentence Structure(वाक्य की बनावट), 9.Synonyms(समानार्थी शब्द), 10.Antonyms(विलोम शब्द ), 11.Active/Passive Voice(सक्रिय/निष्क्रिय), 12.Sentence Completion(वाक्य पूरा करना), 13.Phrases and Idiomatic use of Words(वाक्यांश और मुहावरेदार शब्दों का प्रयोग), etc. |
Skill Test/Trade Test/Physical/practical Test:- Up to 4 time and more candidate called for Skill Test/Trade Test Base on Written Exam marks.
Candidate Can Read The Full Notification Before Apply Online | |
Important Link’s | |
Written/Trade Test Admit Card Download Link | Click Here |
Vacancy Link | Click Here |
Online Apply Link | Click Here |
Short Notice Link | Click Here |
Full Notification Link | Click Here |
Full Notification 2 Link | Click Here |
Physical Admit Card Download Link | Click Here |
Written Exam Admit Card Download Link | Click Here |
Official Website Link | Click Here |
Join Telegram Link | Click Here |